"The Necrominon or Book of the Dead: Exploring Misunderstandings in Kabbalistic Usage


In Lovecraft's imaginary work, a hypothetical grimoire is presented for summoning lost souls and other dark beings. Dementia Clamidea, an abject entity that feeds on negative energies, could find its place in this dark compendium. Shining with its own "light" amidst this "astral rabble," these entities promise much but deliver little, residing in the basement of bad energies.

I will conduct an analysis of how I perceive this situation in a weary society, where beings from lower dimensions are gaining ground.

Here are some situations that have contributed to this tension:

Every time personal merit is sought over collective well-being. Every time one acts irresponsibly, endangering everyone. Every time one explodes, losing control and complaining about everything. Every time one believes to possess the "universal truth" and discredits the rest of the world. Every time one feeds on others' misfortune, comparing it to feel better. Every time one sees the glass half empty instead of half full. Every time one loses sight of the positive side of things. Every time this situation is used for personal gain (dishonestly). These factors have contributed to the current situation.

As Alexander the Great said, 'The fate of all depends on one's conduct.'

NB: For those not familiar with Dementia Clamidea, I invite you to read my articles: 'My Favorite Villains,' 'Queens of the Asphalt,' 'Childhood Memories,' and 'Telecasposos,' among others, on LinkedIn.


Dementia Clamidea is a fictional character created during the pandemic.


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